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Fey'ri were not a true elven subrace. They were to elves as tieflings were to humans and tanarukks were to orcs. The fey'ri were the result of interbreeding between sun elves and tanar'ri in an attempt to strengthen the sun elf bloodline.[3]Contents1 Description2 Personality3 Abilities4 Combat5 Society5.1 Religion6 History7 Notable Fey'ri8 Appendix8.1 Gallery8.2 Appearances8.3 References8.4 ConnectionsDescription[]The fey'ri resembled elves "the way tieflings resemble humans". Some fey'ri were not visibly different to elves at all, while others had fangs, forked tongues, horns, or barbed tails in varying combination. Some had multiple sets of arms and one or more sets of wings.[1]Personality[]Fey'ri considered their bloodline to be very important, and prided themselves on being able to trace it back to House Dlardrageth or the daemonfey. This meant that breeding typically only occurred with other fey'ri or, very rarely, elves, but they generally rejected the notion of elven resemblance...

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