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Like their angelic counterparts, the aasimar, and their elemental counterparts, the genasi, tieflings are not a race in truth. Rather, to be a tiefling is to have been born with a deformity that touches both body and soul. They are typically born to human parents, whose race seems most capable of interbreeding, although tieflings born to elven, dwarven, or even orcish parents are not unheard of. Yet regardless of the parent race, tieflings are easily identifiable, though not always by the same sign: skin discoloration, towards a fiendish hue, is fairly common, as is the manifestation of horns, mutation of the eyes, and the growth of a tail. In rare cases, tieflings are born with bat or dragon-like wings. All of these signs point towards a fiendish heritage.Indeed, all tieflings live with the knowledge that some ancestor consorted with fiends, and bear the guilt of that affiliation generations later. Contrary to popular belief, a tiefling is not necessarily the result of sexual communio...

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