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Three Simple Reasons Why Pro-Life Americans are Voting for Trump

After the Democratic National Convention invited Planned Parenthood to park an abortion van outside its doors, one would think that there would be no question that Republicans are still the pro-life party.

However, some pro-life activists aren’t convinced former President Donald Trump is the man for the job and are instructing their millions of followers to sit out in this election. While I agree that Trump has become more moderate on the issue of abortion, there needs to be an understanding of what will happen to life if Americans don’t work to elect him in November.

First, Trump was the most pro-life president of our lifetime. He is the only president to attend the March for Life rally in Washington, D.C., and speak on behalf of the pro-life movement. His attendance marked a turning point in the movement. Trump gave it political power and protection. He legitimized the work these activists do.

There is nothing in Trump’s recent comments to prove that he wouldn’t continue to support the pro-life movement. It’s disappointing for sure to see the man go from speaking at the March for Life to promising not to veto a federal abortion ban, but the reality is our culture doesn’t support the dignity of life. The president can’t work to defend the powerless unless we change that.

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Second, regarding his stance on a federal abortion ban. Trump paved the way for pro-life activists to change our anti-life, anti-family culture by successfully nominating U.S. Supreme Court Justices who were willing to take up federal cases working their way through the court system. These justices gave the country a reset on the federal approval of abortion when it determined that original decisions on Roe v. Wade were not correct.

The federal government should not be allowed to force individual states into a one-size-fits-all abortion law. As much as I would like to see the wholesale slaughter of innocent lives end in America, that cannot be done at a federal level. His comments should not be interpreted as if he is giving up on the pro-life movement. Instead, it should be thought of rationally. Without the power of the federal government forcing states to allow mothers to murder their children legally, the states now have the ability to protect these children.

The responsibility to change our culture from celebrating death to one that protects life is on us. In the early days of the overturning of Roe v. Wade, it became clear that the pro-life movement was entirely unprepared for the fight. The left scored shocking early wins at the state level in places like Ohio and Kansas. Still, years later, it seems we are still playing catch-up.

What is the game plan for a pro-life culture at the state level? Is there one?

Third, the alternative to Trump is Vice President Kamala Harris and her band of blood-thirsty abortionists. If Harris gets into office, not only will she continue to use the federal government to attack pro-life pregnancy centers and activists, but she will use our federal tax dollars to pay for it.

Even worse, whether we approve or not, it won’t matter; our taxes will fund federally subsidized abortions. Abortion will become legalized at any stage of development. We know this is true because we’ve watched this happen in the last four years, and she’s promised to bring the abortion issue back to the federal level.

She will also be able to nominate pro-abortion justices to the Supreme Court. These justices, with their lifetime appointments, will ensure that far-left positions on abortion are the law of the land. It will take decades, or longer, to undo the damage a Harris administration can do.

A vote for Trump is the only pro-life vote Americans have. It’s our only shot at stopping the federal government from codifying abortion. If women want to kill their children, there is nothing a president can do to stop them, but there is a lot we can do about a culture that says it’s ok. Fix the culture, save the children.

LifeNews Note: Mary Rooke writes for Daily Caller. Content created by The Daily Caller News Foundation is available without charge to any eligible news publisher that can provide a large audience.

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