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'Self-destructive': Major GOP donor unloads on Trump for embracing 'anti-vax kook' RFK Jr.

A major Republican donor who backed former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley before reluctantly agreeing to support former President Donald Trump has put out a blistering statement condemning the former president's recent decision to embrace conspiracy theorist Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI).

Via Jewish Insider reporter Matthew Kassel, the letter from GOP donor Eric Levine warned Trump that he risks alienating swing voters by embracing such eccentric political figures.

"It is hard to imagine a more self-destructive announcement," Levine declared. "RFK is an anti-vax kook who sees conspiracies behind every tree and under every bed, and Gabbard is the former vice-chair of the DNC and co-chair of the 2016 Bernie Sanders for President campaign."

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Levine emphasized that he believes Sanders to be a "self-avowed socialist" who "hates the America we love and everything it stands for" before adding, "There is something terribly wrong with this picture."

He then implored Trump to put Haley on his transition team and to focus on winning over her voters "rather than seeking and coveting the endorsement of fringe candidates with fringe policy positions that offend most Republicans and Independents."

As if to put a fine point on it, the subject line on Levine's email simply asked, "Is Trump Trying to Lose?"

Read the full message here.

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