News in English

A huge own goal


Labour’s Ginny Andersen ran to media with a story she claimed showed there were less police foot patrols under National as the number in June 2024 was 15% lower than in December 2023.

Now you don’t have to be a brain surgeon to work out that comparing the number of foot patrols in December to June is rather stupid as summer months are longer and warmer with much more activity than June. Also December is the month with a huge amount of outdoors activities.

TVNZ didn’t just run Ginny’s story, but decided to check the data for themselves.

Now watch her on TV as she tries to cope with facts that don’t fit her narrative.

She dug herself a hole so deep she almost reached Spain.

Audrey Young also notes:

Brickbat goes to Labour’s former Police Minister Ginny Andersen for claiming police foot patrols have dropped by comparing December figures and June figures, and knowing that patrols peak in December for Christmas and New Year. There are increases and decreases in parts of the country but overall, foot patrols have increased by 13.6% January to June, compared with the same period last year.

It’s great Ginny went to such effort to make sure everyone that the are more police foot patrols in 2024 than in 2023.

The post A huge own goal first appeared on Kiwiblog.

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