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CNN panel devolves into shouting as GOP strategists disagree over new Trump flip flop

Republican strategist Ana Navarro quarreled with a fellow GOP strategist on CNN on Saturday over Donald Trump's changing stances on reproductive rights.

Navarro appeared on CNN over the holiday weekend alongside another Republican strategist, Katie Frost, and the host asked them about recent comments made by GOP insider Erick Erickson. Erickson recently said that the day Trump recently appeared to slip into pro-choice territory could be the day he loses himself the presidential election.

The host asked about Erickson's comments, and what resulted was a passionate debate between the two individuals representing the GOP.

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While Frost claimed that Trump and Republicans are correct on the abortion issue, and that Vice President Kamala Harris is "far out of step" with the voting public, Navarro immediately pushed back.

"Only one percent of abortions happen after the 21st week," Navarro said, flagging Trump's statements about after-birth "executions" as "patently false."

"If you vote for Trump, you've already voted for a pro-choice candidate because it wasn't too many years ago that in public, Donald Trump was calling himself very pro choice. Then he said he was pro-life, then he said he wanted that there should be some form of punishment for women and then he appointed the three judges and has taken credit, has bragged about it, has expressed pride of that decision, and then tried to back away from it," Navarro said. "Well, he can't. He is pregnant with Dobbs and he is pregnant with all of the cruel consequences that have happened as a result of the Dobbs."

Frost then brought up the same talking point Trump has used about "setting aside" a baby after it was born, and Navarro again shot back hard against her.

The discussion quickly turned into shouting before the host cut off the interview for time.

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