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Neural Adaptations That Arise From Strength Training Are Similar To Those That Occur With Endurance Exercise

Home Biology Neural Adaptations That Arise From Strength Training Are Similar To Those That Occur With Endurance Exercise Biology High School Answers Answer 1 The statement "neural adaptations that arise from strength training are similar to those that occur with endurance exercise training" is false because while both strength training and endurance exercise can lead to neural adaptations, the specific adaptations are different. Neural adaptation is the change in neuronal responses due to the preceding stimulation of the cell. Because adaptation effects are often profound at both the neural and perceptual levels, it has been widely used as a tool to probe the neuronal signals underlying perception. Strength training typically leads to increases in motor unit recruitment and synchronization, while endurance exercise typically leads to improvements in motor unit firing rates and oxidative enzyme activity.Learn more about adaptations: Related Q...

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