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Priceless Life Lessons From The Roots

Shubha Apte·FollowPublished inReciprocal·3 min read·Dec 30, 2022--In response to the nature prompt for last week of December-RootsThis week's nature prompt by Dr. Preeti Singh reminds me of the quote by Wangari Maathai:“A tree has roots in the soil yet reaches to the sky. It tells us that in order to aspire, we need to be grounded and that no matter how high we go, it is from our roots that we draw sustenance. It is a reminder to all of us who have had the success that we cannot forget where we came from. It signifies that no matter how powerful we become in government or how many awards we receive, our power and strength and our ability to reach our goals depend on the people, those whose work remains unseen, who are the soil out of which we grow, the shoulders on which we stand.”One of the biggest benefits of knowing our roots is that it gives us a sense of identity and self-worth. It showcases our lineage, values, and beliefs.Roots are also a symbol of our support network and stabil...

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