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Gold Star widow calls out 'felon' Trump for 'desecrating' her husband's Arlington grave

Appearing on MSNBC on Sunday afternoon, Gold Star widow and Marine veteran Kait Wyatt hammered Donald Trump for dishonoring her husband Wyatt's death and grave by using Arlington National Cemetery for a photo op four years after he pulled off a similar stunt where Wyatt's headstone was featured prominently in photos taken at the event.

Speaking with host Ali Velshi, Kait Wyatt explained what happened the day 14 years ago when she was informed of her husband's death at a time when she was nine months pregnant before moving on to the incident four years ago.

With host Velshi noting this is not the first time the former president has shown "disregard for our armed forces" at Arlington, the Gold Star widow explained, "Arlington National Cemetery is a visible reminder of the dead who made this country possible. It is also a reminder of the finite room that we have, to store honorably the dead from our battles, and it should not have to be explained, that this is not an opportunity for a photo op."

ALSO READ: Why Trump’s Arlington controversy is actually a crime

"To the Gold Star families out there, I respect your right to invite who you choose to your memory ceremonies, however our service and Section 60, specifically, is just so much bigger than any one person," she continued. "That was inappropriate to take pictures and when you are still young or new to this, widowhood of the military, you don't understand why you have the roles that we have which is what that staff member was trying to enforce, in my eyes, to protect my husband and his honor and his memory and they were rough-handled at best and assaulted at worst by the Trump campaign."

"Donald Trump is not only a felon but a known liar and a con artist and I beg the American people to not focus on the bipartisan issue, but rather, the moral character of each candidate," she added. "So that those of us who are Gold Star widows can continue to live our lives with respect and dignity and without worrying that when I die, and my son gets to visit Derek and I in the same place, that he won't have to deal with this."

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