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I feel let down by my stepbrother after he started seeing my ex following split from his girlfriend

DEAR DEIDRE: MY stepbrother fell apart when he split up with his girlfriend and I did everything I could to help him get back on track.

Yet he has repaid me by seeing my ex, someone I went out with for six months. I am gutted and feel betrayed by both of them.

I am 26 and live at home with my mum and stepdad.

My stepbrother is 29 and after his last relationship ended he moved back in with us until he started a new job and found his own flat.

I involved him in anything I could to help him get back on his feet.

We went to the gym together, he socialised with a lot of my mates and it seemed to help him to move on.

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At the time I was seeing a girl who lives in the same street. I am good friends with her brother.

We had some good times but ultimately she messed me about.

She used me and it took a while for me to work it out. I confided in my stepbrother as a shoulder to cry on.

After he moved into his new flat, I found out that my ex had contacted him and they are now seeing one another. I’m so hurt and didn’t see this coming.

I feel particularly let down by him.



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DEIDRE SAYS: This must feel like a kick in the teeth after all you have done for your stepbrother, but none of us have rights over our exes.

You don’t own either of them and can’t stop them seeing each other.

The chances are this romance won’t last because she will treat him just as badly.

Still, you’d be far better off and happier concentrating on your own life and leaving them to work it out between themselves.

Distance yourself from their relationship and focus on your wellbeing. My support pack Mend Your Broken Heart will help you move on.

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