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Re: Oasis reunion

Neither of you actually read my posts did you? They weren’t about Oasis per se (apart from one tongue in cheek pub band reference), just that it is possible (for anyone) to be popular and not be particularly talented.

I never said if I thought they were or weren’t talented. I wouldn’t pay hundreds to see them but I would open the curtains to watch them if they played in my back garden.

Maybe my talent is being able to separate the general from the specific… ????

Yeah, I did read it, which is why I wrote 'It's possible to be popular without having much talent as you say - and has been proven on many occasions'

See, if you'd read what I wrote, you'd have seen that I read what you wrote. ????

There's many instances of bands, or artists, with not much talent achieving a lot in a short pace of time, but the lack of longevity is often the giveaway. My argument is against the 'over rated and talentless' comments, which are just untrue.

Detail isn’t one of my talents ????

For what it’s worth, I’m not sure longevity is a good measure either ???? it usually means you have a dedicated fan base

If we bring this back to Oasis, they obviously aren’t talentless but with the last week you would think they are the best band to ever pick up an instrument and write a song - they definitely aren’t that, no maybe about it ????

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