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‘Wolfs’: George Clooney and Brad Pitt’s New Movie is Shockingly Bad

Courtesy of Venice Film Festival

VENICE, Italy—District Attorney Margaret (Amy Ryan) is in big trouble. On an impulse, she invited a younger man back to her hotel room—and it was going well…until he collapsed on the floor and died. What was supposed to be a fun night of debauchery and stress relief turned into something awful. She’s terrified and covered in blood. Being discovered in this state would be disastrous for her career. There’s only one person Margaret can call: A Wolf.

They work alone, and only alone. Wolfs are fixers—they do the work that nobody else is willing to do, and they do it discreetly. Wind up with a dead guy in your hotel room? A Wolf is who you call to make sure that guy not only is no longer in your room, but that there’s no trace that that person ever was anywhere near you at all. These are the people who work in the underbelly of society, leaving no trace. They have names, and they may even have families. But you’ll never learn anything about them. “There’s nobody who can do what I do,” George Clooney’s character tells Margaret.

Except there is someone who does exactly what Clooney’s character does. He’s another Wolf, and he’s played by Brad Pitt. While Margaret called Clooney’s Wolf, the hotel, spying on its guests, called Pitt’s Wolf. And as these people thrive on working entirely alone, they have no idea who one another is. But there’s one thing that they can both agree on: They don’t want to work with anyone else. Ever. But they decide the only chance they have of completing this task is for the pair of them to do something they’d never dream of doing: Working together.

Read more at The Daily Beast.

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