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Living Wage Calculator

Checked for accuracy on 1/27/2023; Numerical values are consistent with living wage 2022 estimates published on 2/01/2023.While the minimum wage sets an earnings threshold under which our society is unwilling to let families slip, it fails to approximate the basic expenses of families in 2022. Consequently, many working adults must seek public assistance and/or hold multiple jobs to afford to feed, clothe, house, and provide medical care for themselves and their families.Establishing a living wage and an approximate income needed to meet a family’s basic needs would enable the working poor to achieve financial independence while maintaining housing and food security. When coupled with lowered expenses for childcare and housing, the living wage might also free up resources for savings, investment, and the purchase of capital assets (e.g., provisions for retirement or home purchases) that build wealth and ensure long-term financial stability and security.An analysis of the living wage (a...

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