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Peter Sweden: Free Speech is Under Attack

AI-generated image/Peter Sweden.

This article was written by Swedish independent journalist Peter Imanuelsen, also known as PeterSweden. You can follow him at

We live in unprecedented times.

It is clear to me that we are facing unprecedented times in the West when it comes to freedom. Free speech is being eroded – And that is happening quickly. We have seen similar things of course in the past, under Communism.

What has been done to Pavel Durov, the founder of Telegram, is to send a message – That they will be going after anyone that doesn’t comply with the censorship agenda.

The free speech video platform Rumble have already been made unavailable in France because they refuse to give in to censorship demands.

What is this? I thought that we had free speech in the West?

Well, we thought we did. But then social media came along and people can get different perspectives on things, we are not reliant on the mainstream media to tell us what to think anymore. Now, citizen journalists can do as much reporting as the media and reach as many people or even more.

The media is losing their grip on information, and they don’t like that.

The thing is, the far-left have been very clever. They lost the cold war. But they have secretly been infiltrating our institutions in the West. The schools, the universities, the media, and as such they have gotten a very powerful position to influence what people think.

And free speech social media is a threat to that.


That’s why we saw after the 2016 election with Trump wining, we saw social media companies begin to censor. And we now know that some of the censorship has been because of requests from governments.

Keep in mind that the woke agenda is nothing more than Communism disguised as social justice. They employ all the same talking points, except they changed it a little, away from economic terms to social terms. It is still the same poisonous ideology.

Let me give you an example of what I am talking about. Sweden. Many people ask themselves how Swedish people can continue to vote for Socialists in such large numbers despite the fact that Socialism has destroyed Sweden. It’s really simple.

It’s called brainwashing. People in Sweden grow up many years in the public school system, being indoctrinated by far-left teachers. Then, when they are older, people continue getting indoctrinated by the mainstream media.

Everyone has to pay a tax in Sweden towards state owned media. Almost all journalists working there are known to vote far-left. One news anchor was even caught with a framed picture of Mao on her desk. These journalists then tell people what to think, and so we have this circle of people growing up to become good little socialists, going along with everything the big state tells them to.

This same playbook is being tried elsewhere too, but social media is standing in the way. This is why we are now seeing a crackdown on free speech social media. It’s all about controlling the information and ultimately controlling what you think.

Because lets face it. Communism fails big time, it doesn’t stand up to scrutiny. So they have to try and censor any and all opposition in order to make it seem attractive.

We have to realize that the far-left is by far the biggest threat to democracy today. I mean, isn’t it funny how the media constantly claimed that right-wing Bolsonaro risked bringing Brazil into a dictatorship? Meanwhile, now under the Socialist government, Brazil has literally banned people from accessing information on the internet, with threats of a whopping $8900 fine if they use a VPN to do so! Who are the real dictators here, the right. Or the Socialists?

Once the Communists gain power, they don’t want to give that away ever again. They want total control. There will be no more freedom.

That’s why it is so important for all of us to stand up and say we want freedom, we demand free speech. We will not allow the far-left control what we can think.

The best thing you can do to support free speech is to support independent journalists.

I’m here to bring you the news that is being censored by the mainstream media.

Your moral and financial support is highly appreciated and allows me to keep on EXPOSING the narrative.

Independent journalist Peter Imanuelsen has dedicated years to reporting the things the mainstream media ignores. You can follow him at

The post Peter Sweden: Free Speech is Under Attack appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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