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Pennsylvania Trump allies slapped with $1 million in fees over 2020 voter machine scheme

Pennsylvania allies of former President Donald Trump have been hit with $1 million worth of fines for their efforts to improperly allow unauthorized "auditors" to examine voting machines in the state.

CNN reports that Fulton County commissioners Stuart Ulsh and Randy Bunch, along with fake Trump elector and Pennsylvania attorney Thomas Carroll, will be jointly responsible for paying off the roughly $1 million in legal expenses incurred by the Pennsylvania Secretary of State's office.

The three men wanted to have the machines inspected due to conspiracy theories they had heard about Dominion Voting Systems that were popularized by MAGA attorney Sidney Powell, who herself heard of them from a woman who believes that she can speak with the wind.

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"In Fulton County, multiple outside firms were ultimately given unauthorized access to voting systems after the 2020 election without authorization from the Board of Elections, according to previous court filings in the special master probe," notes CNN. "The third county commissioner only learned that an outside firm had been allowed to inspect the election equipment until after it was done, court filings show. None of the third party groups granted access to the voting systems in Fulton County were contracted by the county itself or had the proper accreditation to carry out such an inspection, according to court records."

Dominion has filed a number of defamation lawsuits against pro-Trump operatives and media figures who made false claims about its machines stealing the 2020 election from him, and last year the company scored a landmark $787 million settlement with Fox News over false claims promoted on its shows.

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