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'Like rusty cans being thrown into a woodchipper': New Lara Trump song gets brutal reviews

Republican National Committee co-chairwoman Lara Trump celebrated Labor Day by releasing yet another song that drew immediate bad reviews from Twitter users.

The song in question is called "Hero" an appears to be dedicated to firemen and police officers who put their own lives at risk in the name of public safety.

"You crime up the ladder, and the screams get louder, you're my hero," Lara Trump sings at one point.

No matter how heartfelt and wholesome the message behind the song, however, many critics on Twitter were quick to find flaws with Trump's vocal performance.

"I just heard a something that sounded like a wild hog and a sack of rusty cans being thrown into an industrial wood chipper," wrote anti-Trump strategist Rick Wilson. "Oh wait. It was Lara Trump's new 'song.'"

"I just played Lara Trump’s garbage and both my dogs ran in and begged me to shoot off fireworks instead," wrote popular Twitter personality Tony Posnaski.

Former intelligence officer Travis Akers similarly didn't mince any words.

"If your ears have been exposed to the abominable sounds of Lara Trump singing, you might be entitled to compensation," he remarked.

The Trump-bashing Veterans for Responsible Leadership advocacy group offered Trump some sarcastic credit for having the courage to release such a video.

"Pretty brave of Lara Trump to release a music video when she can’t sing," the group joked. "That’s only normal if you’re a nepo RNC Chairwoman."

Documentary filmmaker Jeremy Newberger, on the other hand, tried his hand at constructive criticism and tried to improve the song by adding the sound of a screaming sheep into the mix.

And the popular account Wu Tang is for the Children simply begged their followers to stop spreading the new Trump video in their timelines.

Watch the video below or at this link.

- YouTube

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