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US researchers identify probable launch site for Russia’s new nuclear-powered missile

Two U.S. researchers have pinpointed a probable deployment site in Russia for the 9M370 Burevestnik, a nuclear-powered cruise missile praised by President Vladimir Putin as “invincible” but doubted by Western experts.

The missile, known to NATO as SSC-X-9 Skyfall, is claimed by Putin to possess limitless range and evasion capabilities against U.S. defenses, yet its strategic value remains contested.

Planet Labs’ July 26 satellite imagery revealed a construction project adjacent to the Vologda-20/Chebsara nuclear warhead storage facility, possibly intended for the new missile’s deployment.

Analyst Decker Eveleth identified nine horizontal launch pads under construction within protective berms at the site, suggesting preparations for a significant missile system.

The U.S. State Department, CIA, and other agencies declined to comment on the findings, indicating sensitivity around Russia’s nuclear developments.

Despite testing challenges and doubts among experts, including a 2019 incident involving a nuclear reactor, Russia appears to be progressing with the Burevestnik’s deployment.

Experts caution that the missile’s poor test record and potential radiation risks along its flight path make it controversial and potentially hazardous.

Former U.S. officials and nuclear experts argue that the Burevestnik offers little strategic advantage over existing Russian capabilities and could pose risks akin to the Chornobyl disaster.

NATO refrained from commenting on how it would respond to the potential deployment of the Burevestnik, highlighting the geopolitical tensions surrounding such advanced weaponry.

Putin’s unveiling of the Burevestnik in 2018 aimed to underscore Russia’s technological prowess and challenge U.S. missile defense capabilities, although its operational feasibility remains uncertain.

Concerns over the missile’s deployment arise as the New START treaty between the U.S. and Russia, which expires in 2026, does not restrict such advanced nuclear systems.

Moscow’s stance on future arms control talks could hinge on its use of the Burevestnik as a negotiating lever, complicating international efforts to curb nuclear proliferation.

The post US researchers identify probable launch site for Russia’s new nuclear-powered missile appeared first on Khaama Press.

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