News in English

Wakefield Trinity • Re: Lewis Murphy

Dr Dreadnought wrote:

Completely disagree with your statement about his heart not being at Wakefield. I cannot think of one single game he played for us where he gave less than his best, he was a young inexperienced player who got thrown into SL far earlier and more frequently than was ideal, but he took his opportunity with both hands. He may have had ambitions we weren't able to fulfil but to say his heart wasn't in it is just wrong.

Whether you agree with my comments or not is water off a ducks back to me!
I agree he gave 100% while playing.
I really mean that after his injury he was looked after for months by the club but then opted to change clubs..had his heart been at Trinity perhaps he would have wanted to stay?
I don't dislike the lad for that and I wish him well but he chose to leave and far more exciting things have been happening this season for me to even think about Lewis Murphy.
Just my opinion!

Statistics: Posted by 1315trinity — Tue Sep 03, 2024 1:08 pm

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