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'Outrage': Fox News slams Kamala Harris for 'wearing ear buds' on phone call

Fox News attacked Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris for wearing ear buds while taking a phone call on an airport tarmac.

On Tuesday, the conservative network claimed Harris had a "strategy" of wearing ear buds to avoid questions from the media after she was captured on video wearing ear buds.

"Kamala Harris is now being called out for a new tactic of avoiding questions from reporters by wearing ear buds, the move sparking outrage on social media," host Todd Pirro told Kaylee McGhee White of the conservative Steamboat Institute.

"She's applying for a job, Kaylee, where you can't just pop in the ear buds when Xi or Putin threatens you," the host insisted.

"The whole thing doesn't make sense," White agreed. "But this is her strategy. It's to continue to dodge the press, avoid hard questions about her record, and refuse to give answers to the American people."

White said Harris had set a new precedent by wearing ear buds.

"How are we as voters going to evaluate you and give you our mandate to serve as our representative in the White House?" she opined. "And this is what Kamala Harris seems to forget that, yes, the president is a public servant on behalf of the American people."

Pirro suggested that Harris was trying to avoid questions about dead hostages in Gaza.

He suggested it was "just the latest in a very long list of examples of how America's lack of leadership on the world stage has jeopardized American lives."

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Conservatives have previously claimed Harris was out of touch because she used wired ear buds instead of using a Bluetooth device.

The FBI, however, recommended officials use wired headphones to connect to their phones for security reasons.

Watch the video below or at this link.

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