News in English

Minister optimistic for deal over hotel sector employees

A new round of intensive talks will continue as part of the attempts to clinch a deal between unions and employers in the hotel industry, Labour Minister Yiannis Panayiotou said on Tuesday.

Talks have been ongoing over collective agreements, with unions the previous day turning down a government intermediary proposal and threatening a strike.

Panayiotou said all parties agreed to a moratorium on public statements so as to support efforts in finding a solution.

The minister had talks with stakeholders in his office on Tuesday where he told reporters afterwards that employers and unions had ben positive.

He expressed his hope for a “mutually acceptable agreement as part of an effort which will be implemented immediately.”

The aim is to have meetings with both sides separately in the next few days, followed by joint meetings.

Asked if there are more specific timeframes in place, Panayiotou said “by intensifying efforts and my own contribution in developing this process along with the cooperation of labour ministry stakeholders and social partners, we will manage to reach positive results and the collective agreements in the hotel industry will be renewed.”

Ensuring labour peace is key to developing the economy, he added.

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