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Salem, OR Crime Rates and Statistics

With a crime rate of 42 per one thousand residents, Salem has one of the highest crime rates in America compared to all communities of all sizes - from the smallest towns to the very largest cities. One's chance of becoming a victim of either violent or property crime here is one in 24. Within Oregon, more than 93% of the communities have a lower crime rate than Salem.Importantly, when you compare Salem to other communities of similar population, then Salem crime rate (violent and property crimes combined) is quite a bit higher than average. Regardless of how Salem does relative to all communities in America of all sizes, when NeighborhoodScout compared it to communities of similar population size, its crime rate per thousand residents stands out as higher than most.Now let us turn to take a look at how Salem does for violent crimes specifically, and then how it does for property crimes. This is important because the overall crime rate can be further illuminated by understanding if vio...

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