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Election 2024: Beware of the USPS

Guest post by Joe Hoft at – republished with permission

The USPS was instrumental in the implementation of the 2020 election due to the influx of millions of mail-in ballots inserted into the election. So what’s the real story?

Over the weekend, The Gateway Pundit shared a story authored by Larry Johnson at Sonar21. This article addressed the incident in 2020 a couple of weeks before the election involving the transport of election ballots from Beth Page, New York to Pennsylvania.

This story received lots of attention after the 2020 Election after Pennsylvania was awarded to Joe Biden. President Trump was ahead by nearly a million ballots in the state on election day and then three days later after counting mail-in ballots behind closed doors in Philadelphia, Biden magically won.

The following is from The Steal – Volume III: The Cover-Up where the story of Beth Page is discussed:

A Truckload of Ballots from New York to Pennsylvania

In Pennsylvania, a different event was being investigated after the 2020 Election. Lt Col Tony Shaffer (retired) is the President of the London Center for Policy Research, a New York Times bestselling author, and CIA trained intelligence operations officer with 35 years of experience in global and national security. After the 2020 Election, Shaffer was one of many Americans who offered to help investigate the results of the 2020 Election.[1]

Shaffer was in Pennsylvania after the election when a tip came in from a truck driver who drove a route for the US Postal Service. Jesse Morgan came out after the election and claimed that he picked up a load of ballots in envelopes in October 2020 and delivered this trailer load from New York to Pennsylvania. After many corrupt acts were identified in the conservative media after the election, Morgan decided to share his story. Shaffer was there to listen to and vet Morgan and his story.[2]

After a period of time and much research and validation of Morgan and his story, Shaffer was convinced that Morgan was telling the truth – that a very suspicious truckload of completed ballots was delivered from New York to Pennsylvania before the election.[3]

Shaffer called his old friend and former US Attorney General under President Reagan, Ed Meese, with the story. Meese contacted AG Bill Barr and filled him in on what Shaffer had shared with him. Within ten minutes, Shaffer received a call from Barr. Shaffer later described this conversation:[4]

Not 10 minutes go by, Joe, and all the sudden, I get a call from a 202 number. “Hey Tony, this is Bill Barr. What’s going on?”

And I go through and explain what we just talked about. And he says, “You need to stop. You are interfering with my investigation.” (What?)

“Where is Mr. Morgan now?” And I told him we had him in a safe house . . . “You will stop now. You will turn him over to us immediately. You are now interfering in an FBI investigation.”

I said and I explained to him that with all due respect, the FBI is not the organization to be investigating this based on all the problems.

“No, they’re the ones that are working this. You have no authority to continue doing anything that you are doing!”

And basically for the next 20 minutes, he yelled at me on the phone.

Shaffer went on to say that he wanted to give Morgan whistleblower status, but Barr wouldn’t have it.[5]

For his courage in coming out with his story, Morgan was attacked by the FBI at his house and accused of making the whole thing up. The FBI even asked him who was paying him to make up the story.[6]

Despite piles of affidavits across the country and numerous criminal or suspicious acts seemingly everywhere, AG Bill Barr assured Americans that there just wasn’t widespread voter fraud in the 2020 Election. He repeated this claim multiple times after the election. But did he really look?[7]

A former Trump adviser, Jeffrey Clark, the Director of Litigation at the Center for Renewing America, joined Steve Bannon on his War Room in September of 2022, nearly two years after the 2020 Election. Clark told Bannon that the Center for Renewing America sent out FOIA requests to 12 US Attorney districts located in the 2020 battleground states.[8]

Clark told Steve Bannon that the FOIA requests came back from every district but one with no documents. No investigations were carried out. At that point in time, only one of the 12 districts had not yet replied, and that’s the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. The US Attorney of the Eastern District asked to investigate issues in his district, but Barr famously denied the request![9]

Larry Johnson at Sonar21 describes this story over the weekend and some new and important information related to this case.

Johnson writes:

A new development that merits attention. A complaint was filed on Friday before the U.S. District Court in Maryland presenting evidence that the USPS acted illegally in shipping at least one million mail-in ballots from a facility in Bethpage, New York to Pennsylvania on October 21, 2020. The suit was brought by attorney Brian Della Rocca, but the critical evidence was collected by two friends of mine — John Moynihan and Larry Doyle. Full disclosure, I have known John since 1998 and we were partners in BERG Associates, LLC. John, in my opinion, is one of the best financial and forensic investigators in the world. Hands down.

Here is the bottom-line — the truck driver, Jesse Morgan, picked up a container filled with 20 Gaylord boxes. There were mail-in ballots in each of the Gaylords. A Gaylord can hold from 50,000 up to 100,000 ballots. Do the math — Mr. Morgan was transporting at least one million mail-in ballots (already filled in with signatures on the envelopes). So, what you say? The mail-in ballots are First Class mail. Every piece of First Class mail is supposed to be imaged per USPS regulations. The facility where Morgan picked up the load of ballots is ONLY certified for handling packages and Express Mail. There is no legal justification to account for those ballots to have passed through that warehouse.

Johnson then shares this information from Moynihan and Doyle’s complaint (emphasis added):

  1. As a result of Affiant Morgan, Doyle and I focused our investigation on the USPSfacility on Grumman Road in Bethpage, NY (“Grumman Road Facility”).
  2. On November 27, 2020, I enlisted the assistance of former colleagues from theDEA who are retired and live near the Grumman Road Facility.
  3. On November 30, 2020, after learning the identities of several USPS employeeswithin the Grumman Road Facility with whom Affiant Morgan had contact, Doyle and Iconducted an interview with one such USPS employee (“CI-1”).
  4. CI-1 stated the following facts:a. CI-1 is involved with loading trucks at the Grumman Road Facility –known as an expeditor.

    b. CI-1 told us that the Grumman Road Facility has never processed first class

    mail and still does not process mail because the facility does not have the proper

    equipment to do so (allegedly known as an “Oregon Machine”).

    c. CI-1 stated that mail-in ballots were in the gaylords with signatures on the

    outside envelope at the facility on numerous occasions and asked a supervisor about what

    to do with them.

    d. CI-1 was told to just get them loaded onto the trailers for delivery and to

    get them to their destination.

    e. CI-1 told us that the Grumman Road Facility is only equipped to process

    packages and express mail, not first-class mail.

    f. Doyle and I asked a few more times if CI-1 was sure that ballots were seen

    at the Grumman Road Facility and CI-1 confirmed each time.

  5. On December 2, 2020, after having spoken with a Postal Inspector withknowledge of the Grumman Road Facility (“CI-2”), I asked if the Grumman Road Facility wouldreceive and process first-class mail. CI-2 told me the following:
  6. a. The Grumman Road Facility only handles parcel post.
  7. b. Mail-in ballots should not have been delivered to the Grumman Road
  8. Facility because the facility does not have the processing machines (the Oregon Machine)
  9. required to handle the processing of first-class mail or bulk mail.

The USPS is complicit. This cannot be ignored. If we want to ensure free and transparent elections in 2024, we need to get the USPS out of the election business.

[1] (Hoft J. , AG Barr Told Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer to Stop Looking Into Truck Driver Jesse Morgan’s Testimony That He Moved More Than 200,000 Fraudulent Ballots from NY to PA Before the 2020 Election, 2021)

[2] Ibid

[3] Ibid

[4] (Hoft J. , “Bill Barr Broke the Law… The Fix Is In… Bill Barr Did Not Do His Job” – EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: Tony Shaffer on Barr’s Actions After the 2020 Election, 2022)

[5] Ibid

[6] Op cit, AG Barr Told…

[7] (Hoft J. , BARR LIED! FOIA Requests Reveal There Were No DOJ Investigations on Election Fraud After 2020 Election as Bill Barr Claims (VIDEO), 2022)

The post Election 2024: Beware of the USPS appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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