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Is Smoking Weed A Sin? Believers Weigh In On The Topic

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Is smoking weed a sin?

Former pastor, Tim Ross, attempted to bring clarity to the subject this week during an episode of his podcast ‘The Basement.’ The host, known for tackling black labeled subjects on the popular platform, confirmed there is no specific scripture against it. However, he invited viewers to review what the Bible says about how a Christ-follower should treat their body.

“In 1 Corinthians 6 he [Paul] talks about your body being the temple of the Holy Spirit and he talks about it in reference to sexual immorality, to sex outside of marriage. What I know is that the principle of that statement extends beyond sex,” he shared. Ross went on to explain that in the same way scripture shares that a married couple should only give their bodies to each other and the unmarried shouldn’t give their bodies to anyone, the “temple of the Holy Spirit” should be regarded as holy in every other scenario.

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He continued with, “[If] My body is a temple, I should not cut myself. [If] My body is the temple, should I smoke cigarettes with a poisonous chemical that can give me lung cancer? Is it a gateway drug to other things that are a little bit harder? Do I want my senses dulled in a way to where it is hard or difficult for me to hear the Holy Spirit?”

The host posted a snippet of the conversation on Instagram with the caption, “Next time you reach for a drink or light up, ask yourself: “What am I using this for?”


Followers commented with responses for either side of the argument.

Those against the matter left their opinion. “In my opinion it’s an escape from what is. Whether that’s anxiety or worries. An escape from emotions we don’t want to feel whereas God should be the one we are escaping to,” one user wrote.

Some quoted scriptures like 1 Corinthians 10:23 (All things are permissible but not all things are beneficial) and 1 Peter 5:8 (Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour).

And others responded with open-ended questions such as, “Would you fire up a blunt in church?”

A user on the pro side retorted with, “Cannabis is medicine that God put on our earth. We have an entire system in our bodies called the endocannabinoid system. This system regulates all other systems in our bodies. Cannabis is from God, hence him putting an entire regulatory system in us.”

Another commented, “Don’t let society cloud your judgment into thinking this is a drug – this is a plant in which chemical attributes fit perfectly with receptors in your brain. In the Bible, Genesis 1:29 says, “I have given you every plant bearing seed.” Meaning this plant was created by God and not the devil. To go deeper, the Jewish community has claimed the plant kosher.”

The discussion continued in the comments across Ross’s social platforms. While many definitively chose a side, others opted to “Ask the Holy Spirit” for clarity on the matter.



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The post Is Smoking Weed A Sin? Believers Weigh In On The Topic appeared first on Elev8.

The post Is Smoking Weed A Sin? Believers Weigh In On The Topic appeared first on NewsOne.

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