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Upper Respiratory Tract Infection Treatment & Management: Approach Considerations, Epiglottitis, Laryngotracheitis

Approach Considerations Most upper respiratory tract infections (URIs) are self-diagnosed and self-treated at home. Patients who present with URIs often benefit from reassurance, education, and instructions for symptomatic home treatment. Symptom-based therapy represents the mainstay of URI treatment in immunocompetent adults, although antimicrobial or antiviral therapy is appropriate in selected patients (see Medication). Several URIs warranting special attention are described in this section. In November 2013, The American Academy of Pediatrics released a set of three basic principles for the effective use of antibiotics to treat pediatric URIs, including acute otitis media, acute bacterial sinusitis, and streptococcal pharyngitis. [40, 41] The principles are as follows: Accurate diagnosis of a bacterial infection; Consideration of the risks vs benefits of antibiotic treatment; and Implementation of judicious prescribing strategies, including selection of the most effective antibioti...

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