News in English

Boko Islamists Kill Over 80 in Yobe State in Nigeria

Boko Islamists Kill Over 80 in Yobe State in Nigeria

Kanako Mita, Sawako Utsumiand Lee Jay Walker

Modern Tokyo Times

Nigeria is a land that is soaked in the blood of Christians and Muslims because of several Islamic terrorist groups. 

Fulani Muslims also butcher Christians – while Islamists kidnap young Christian and Muslim girls. Other brutal forces also exist in a land where massacres are second nature.

In the latest massacre, Boko Haram (Islamists) killed at least 80 people. Also, several people have been kidnapped. This happened in the state of Yobe in northeastern Nigeria.

Abdulkarim Dungus, a police spokesperson in Yobe state, said, “Around 150 suspected Boko Haram terrorists armed with rifles and RPGs [rocket-propelled grenades] attacked Mafa ward on more than 50 motorcycles around 4 pm on Sunday… They killed many people and burned many shops and houses. We are yet to ascertain the actual number of those killed in the attack.”

Reuters reports, “A military official who accompanied the army’s commanding officer for Yobe to Mafa on Monday evening said the route to the village had been rigged with explosives, which troops managed to defuse.”

Islamists kill Christians and Muslims alike in Nigeria.

Bishop Matthew Hassan Kukah (Christian leader) of Sokoto said, “Over the years, these murderers have left their footprints of blood and tears across the length and breadth of the entire northern states, indiscriminately wrecking destruction across large swaths of land and communities.”

Bishop Kukah continued, “In all this, the Nigerian state and its security agencies are blindsided.”

The final death toll isn’t known yet. However, images of dead people being prepared for burial highlight a high number of deaths.

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