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Smart Planning: This Career Woman Froze Her Parents So They’ll Still Be Around To Babysit For Her When She Chooses To Have Kids

Balancing a full-time career while raising children can be an extreme challenge, but one ambitious individual is defying the odds and finding a way to follow her professional dreams while still leaving the option open to start a family: This career woman froze her parents so they’ll still be around to babysit for her when she chooses to have kids.

Hell yes! This is an incredibly savvy way to invest in the future.

When 29-year-old attorney Tanya Chavez was hired at one of the most prestigious law firms in Boston, she knew she’d have to fully dedicate herself to her work if she hoped to rise through the ranks and realize the full potential of her talent and passion for the law. So last week she took the bold step of placing her mother and father in cryogenic suspension so that she could focus on her legal career and thaw out these future babysitters when she was ready to settle down and have kids.

This is so awesome! Thanks to this decision, there’s no limit to what Tanya can achieve.

“It’s just not the right time for me to have children, but thanks to modern science I can keep my parents healthy and vital for years until I’m ready to use them as babysitters,” Tanya wrote in an Instagram post explaining her decision. “My mom and dad tried to run away, but I caught them and the scientists helped me freeze them in their huge machine, and now I can become the person I was always meant to be at work before becoming a mother.”

Tanya isn’t the only one who’s making smart plans to balance a career and a family. Over the past few years, an increasing number of women all over the country have chosen to freeze their parents while pursuing their careers. Thanks to recent medical breakthroughs, frozen parents can survive for up to 35 years, meaning that some women can have access to fresh, energetic babysitters well into their 70s and 80s. It’s an incredible breakthrough that’s been completely transforming the way that women approach their careers!

It’s impossible not to be inspired by this wonderful story. We wish Tanya the best of luck as she works to make partner at her new firm, and we look forward to checking back in on her when she’s ready to start a family and begin the excruciatingly painful process of thawing out her frozen parents!

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