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Why Do Hotels Need a Credit Card When Booking? | Chase

Hotels often require a credit card to reserve a room or check in, and there are a couple specific reasons for this. Let's take a closer look at those reasons and explore the benefits of using a credit card for your hotel stay.Why do hotels need a credit card?A credit card may not be absolutely necessary for your hotel stay. Most hotels accept credit cards and debit cards, and this is a normal requirement for 2 reasons:To validate the reservation: Hotels want to know that you'll show up for your reservation. By taking your card information, hotels get that assurance. They can also contact you about changes to your reservation and charge cancellation fees.To charge for potential damages or theft: The card which hotels keep on file is used in case the room has any damage or missing items. Usually that's found after checkout, so charges could post to the card that was used for the reservation or checking in. Hotels may also require a security deposit to ensure that customers leave the room...

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