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BREAKING: Wisconsin Election Legislative Committees Gives DOT Ultimatum on Non-US Citizens Driver’s License Data in Time for November Presidential Election

Credit: State of Wisconsin

In a rather tersely worded directive, the Chairman of the Assembly Committee on Campaigns and Elections and Senate Committee on Shared Revenue, Elections and Consumer Protection, sent the Wisconsin Department of Transportation Agency Director (DOT) an immediate request for data information that documents how many non-US citizens in Wisconsin have a driver’s license and or a photo ID.

These Committees held a Joint Public Hearing with the DOT regarding this matter in May of 2024 (click here – Elections expert testify about noncitizen voting in Wisconsin – WPR) and the DOT did not comply with the request of the Committees in time for the November 2024 Presidential Election.  WEC Administrator Wolfe was invited to attend this meeting but was a no-show again.

The DOT has since that meeting has refused to release any information due to “privacy” concerns for non-US citizens with a Wisconsin driver’s license.

The DOT request from these Legislative Committees, dated September 3, 2024 (See attached DOT Letter Non-US Citizens Driver’s License), asks for an immediate release of the non-US citizens data from the DOT that have a Wisconsin driver’s license and or a photo ID to assist all Wisconsin Clerks (1,852) in the administration of elections with integrity to make sure only US citizens receive a ballot for the Wisconsin Presidential Election in November.

The DOT was reminded in the Legislative Letter that as a State Agency they (DOT) are absolutely required to release this information upon request to the proper authorities per Wisconsin State Statute 13.45 (7) (click here – Wisconsin Legislature: 13.45).

The DOT was further reminded that this request is in compliance with the Driver Privacy and Protections Act (DPPA) with respect to the Legislative Committees are not a “person”, but rather a “State or agency thereof” per various portions of 18 U.S.C. 2725 (2) (click here – 18 USC 2725: Definitions ( and that disclosure of this information is allowed per 18 USC 2721 (a) and (b) (1) and (4) (click here – 18 USC 2721 – Prohibition on release and use of certain personal information from State motor vehicle records (

Finally, the DOT was reminded that the Governor’s Office wants this information shared between the DOT and the Wisconsin Elections Commission (WEC) to assist all Clerks in the administration of elections with integrity to make sure only US Citizens are participating in Wisconsin Elections.

The DOT has documented that approximately 300,000 non-US citizens have been issued a Wisconsin driver’s license and or a photo ID between January 1, 2019, and late 2023 in response to an Open Records Request from December of 2023.

Wisconsin was reported to have been decided by 20,682 votes in 2020.

According to WEC, Wisconsin has 7.7 million names in their WisVote database with approximately 3.4 million “eligible registered electors” and 4.3 million “ineligible non-registered names” (click here – Home page – BadgerVoters.Web ( that are frequently moved between the two databases by those individuals with proper credentials and conceivably by those that are able to access this database illegally.

Wisconsin’s population and election profile will show the following:

Title III of the Help America Vote Act (HAVA) also requires the sharing of information between agencies in order to maintain voter lists with integrity to make sure only eligible individuals can cast a ballot (Click here – Page 44 – HAVA41.PDF (

This entire process simply requires common sense when it comes to only US citizens participating in Wisconsin elections.

A constitutional amendment is on the November ballot that will require all electors in Wisconsin to show proof of US citizenship in order to receive a ballot for future elections (Click here – Wisconsin Citizenship Voting Requirement Amendment (2024) – Ballotpedia).

This matter needs to be resolved immediately and has taken way too long to get done.

Action Plan…

  • Contact the DOT Secretary and ask that she (Kristina Boardman) immediately release the non-US citizen data to WEC so that Clerks across Wisconsin can be protected from election fraud by non-US citizens.  Secretary Boardman’s Office number is: 608-266-1114 or
  • Immediately contact Chairman Rep. Krug (608-237-9172 and and Chairman Sen. Knodl (608-266-5830 and to ask them to do whatever it takes to get this information released in time to protect the integrity of the 2024 Presidential Election for all Wisconsin Clerks and electors.
  • Immediately contact your State Representative and State Senator to ask them to work with Rep. Krug and Sen. Knodl to get this done asap (How to find your Legislator – My Elected Officials (
  • Encourage all Legislators to take immediate legal action to force the DOT to immediately release this information.
  • Run a query of the non-US citizens with a driver’s license and or photo ID (approximately 300,000 between 1/1/10 – 11/1/23) with WisVote to see how many names are in this database.  Then immediately remove these names from WisVote.  Immediately give all Wisconsin Clerks this confidential list just like the confidential felon list that all Clerks have to prevent them from registering to vote or securing a ballot.  Block any of these individuals from registering to vote through MyVote, the USPS or the day of the election.  Refer any individuals that have registered to vote and had a ballot processed for them to the local County DA for prosecution.

The democrats aren’t concerned that this is all to do about nothing, but rather that potentially thousands of non-US citizens are registered to vote and have had a ballot processed for them in Wisconsin and across America.

The post BREAKING: Wisconsin Election Legislative Committees Gives DOT Ultimatum on Non-US Citizens Driver’s License Data in Time for November Presidential Election appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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