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Bluebell Girls: scrapbook of newspaper clippings and photographs

Walker’sUniversal Scrap & Newscutting Book(made in England)No. 50.160 PagesLONDON:John Walker & Co. Ltd. Farringdon House Warwick Lane, E.C. 4.WALKER’SUNIVERSALSCRAP & NEWSCUTTING BOOKS Inches. Millimetres.No. 30 » 40 » 509-4-X 7l 247x187 J2 X gj 305x241 14IX10 368 X 254INo.445b.(Established 1855.)PRICE TWOPENCE:U,MA ACCUREGISTERED AT THE GEN L post office as a newspaSATURDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1940.ussolim■ ws PrisonerQA THERINE CECILIA DUNNE’S suitcases speak for their owner. I hey bear labels of dozens of hotels allover France, Switzerland, and—Italy. •Now these suitcases are lying in a Glasgow flat. And Catherine is staying put in the city, too. To her, Glasgow is heaven, though she is out of work as a result of “ Show Boat ” coming off after its second week at the Alhambra Theatre.This slim, blonde dancer wanted adventure. She’s had it—and how!Dublin-Torn daughter of a Customs official now living at Whitstable, Kent, she went on the stage when she was 14. On her 16th birthday she sailed...

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