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Cytonn H1’2024 Markets Review

Download Report Cytonn Report Company updates Global Markets Review Sub-Saharan Africa Regional Review Kenya Macroeconomic Review Fixed Income Equities Real Estate Executive Summary Global Markets Review According to the World Bank’s June 2024 Global Economic Prospects, the global economy is projected to grow at a rate of 2.6% in 2024, similar to the estimated growth of 2.6% recorded in 2023. The latest projection is 0.6% points lower than the IMF’s projection of 3.2% growth, with the downward revision being on the back of the continued tightening of monetary policies by the Central Banks around the world aimed at curbing the elevated inflationary pressures. Notably, advanced economies are expected to record a 1.5% growth in 2024, remaining unchanged from the 1.5% expansion recorded in 2023. However, emerging markets and developing economies are projected to expand by 4.0% in 2024, marginally downwards from an estimated growth of 4.2% in 2023; Sub-Saharan Africa Regional Review Accordi...

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