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Biking advocates say cyclists need more protective infrastructure to stay safe

COLUMBUS, Ohio (WCMH) -- Johnny and Matthew Gaudreau's deaths have left many in the biking community questioning their safety when riding on the road, as the brothers were killed by a suspected drunk driver while on a bike ride.

Biking advocates like Erin Synk, the vice president of Yay Bikes, believe there are substantial changes that can be made to help prevent these types of incidents and save lives.

“Most of us who ride bikes a lot are far too familiar with the news that someone's been hurt or someone's been killed,” Synk said. “That's why many of us work so hard to try and make changes to make it safer.” 

President of Jonny Velo Bikes John Robinson said even if a cyclist is following all the rules, there is still a chance they can be harmed. He said that there are many solutions to minimize the mistakes drivers make on the road.   

“I think we need more protected bike lanes on the roads. We also need better infrastructure with our current bike trail systems,” Robinson said. “They are overstressed, we have joggers, we have dog walkers, we have families, rollerbladers and cyclists on what is really a trail designed initially for bikes.” 

These biking advocates think tragedies like the one involving the Gaudreau brothers highlight how cities and states need look at prioritizing safety for all road users.   

“We have people come in here weekly where they've been hit by a car and they've had medical issues, they've had physical damage to their main form of transportation,” Robinson said.  

Columbus has been trying to tackle this issue with initiatives like Vision Zero to bring road fatalities down and the Bike Plus plan that looks at what areas throughout the city need connected pathways. All advocates agree: doing nothing is not an option.   

“A painted stripe on a roadway isn't real protection,” Synk said. “So, we got to look at and be willing to make some of those investments and make them over a long period of time to really change the way our streets operate.” 

Cyclists also say if you are driving, remember to always make sure there are three feet or more of lane space between your car and a bike if you are going to pass them, and to always do so carefully.  

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