News in English

AREA 51 Engineer Breaks His Silence: "There is an Extraterrestrial Race Working With US"

For a long time, Area 51 has been the focus of different conspiracy theories, especially because it is highly secret and hidden so that only people with official access can reach it. However, recently one of the biggest scandals involving this place came to light, especially because it was an engineer who worked in Area 51 that provided classified information. And although it seems incredible, many experts in the field agree that the information has all the veracity.

What happens in Area 51?

Testimonials that directly involve this place have been constantly revealed by people who had access, as the fact that in this place works with amazing technology to discover all kinds of mysteries in the universe that have to do mainly with aliens . It is something that, obviously, has resulted in endless conspiracy theories.

In addition, it has also been claimed that in this place some experiments have been done that...















































Tags: science, aliens, UFOs, NASA, space, space science, science, Earth, Earth science, science, breaking news, science, science, aliens, UFOs, NASA, space, space science, science, Earth, Earth science, science, breaking news, science, science, aliens, UFOs, NASA, space, space science, science, Earth, Earth science, science, breaking news, science, science, aliens, UFOs, NASA, space, space science, science, Earth, Earth science, science, breaking news, science, science, aliens, UFOs, NASA, space, space science, science, Earth, Earth science, science, breaking news, science, science, aliens, UFOs, NASA, space, space science, science, Earth, Earth science, science, breaking news, science, science, aliens, UFOs, NASA, space, space science, science, Earth, Earth science, science, breaking news, science, science, aliens, UFOs, NASA, space, space science, science, Earth, Earth science, science, breaking news, science, science, aliens, UFOs, NASA, space, space science, science, Earth, Earth 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Over four months after its journey into space, a solar-sailing spacecraft has successfully unfurled its wings above Earth. NASA’s Advanced Composite Solar Sail System (ACS3) launched on April 24 aboard Rocket Lab’s Electron rocket, and by the end of August, NASA announced that mission operators had confirmed the full deployment of the solar sail in space. On Thursday, Aug. 29 at 1:33 p.m. EDT (5:33 UTC), data confirmed the successful testing of the sail-hoisting boom system.

Similar to how the wind propels a sailboat across the water, a small amount of sunlight is enough to propel solar sails through space. While photons lack mass, they can transfer momentum when they collide with an object — a principle that solar sails harness. Fortunately, the spacecraft that deployed the sail is equipped with four cameras designed to capture a panoramic view of both the reflective sail and the composite booms. The first high-resolution images are expected to be released on Wednesday, Sept. 4.

In the coming weeks, the Advanced Composite Solar Sail System spacecraft will be put through its paces as the team evaluates its ability to maneuver in space. By adjusting its orbit, researchers aim to gain valuable insights into the design and operation of future missions equipped with solar sails.

Related: This New Propulsion System Will Take A Spacecraft To The Nearest Star in Just 20 Years

"Flight data obtained during the demonstration will be used for designing future larger-scale composite solar sail systems for space weather early-warning satellites, asteroid and other small body reconnaissance missions, and missions to observe the polar regions of the sun," Rocket Lab noted in a previous mission description.

The spacecraft is orbiting at an altitude roughly twice that of the International Space Station. From above, the sail would appear as a square nearly half the size of a tennis court, measuring approximately 860 square feet (80 square meters).Astronomers have been on the hunt for years for rocky planets beyond our solar system with an atmosphere—a characteristic deemed essential for any chance of supporting life. Finally, it seems they’ve pinpointed one. However, this fiery planet—reportedly covered in molten rock—holds no promise for habitability.

On Wednesday, last week, researchers revealed that the planet is a "super-Earth"—a rocky world significantly larger than our own but smaller than Neptune—and it orbits dangerously close to a star fainter and slightly less massive than our sun, completing an orbit roughly every 18 hours. Infrared observations conducted using two instruments aboard the James Webb Space Telescope suggest the presence of a substantial, though unwelcoming, atmosphere, perhaps constantly replenished by gases released from a vast magma ocean.

"The atmosphere is likely abundant in carbon dioxide or carbon monoxide, but could also contain other gases such as water vapor and sulfur dioxide. However, the current observations cannot determine the exact composition of the atmosphere," explained Renyu Hu, a planetary scientist from NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory and Caltech, who led the study published in the journal Nature.The data from the Webb telescope also did not clarify the thickness of the atmosphere. Hu speculated that it could be as thick as Earth’s or even thicker than that of Venus, which boasts the densest, toxic atmosphere in our solar system.

This planet, known as 55 Cancri e or Janssen, is about 8.8 times more massive than Earth, with a diameter roughly twice as large. It orbits its star at about one-25th the distance between Mercury and the sun in our solar system. Consequently, its surface temperature soars to approximately 3,140 degrees Fahrenheit (1,725 degrees Celsius or 2,000 Kelvin).

"Indeed, this is one of the hottest-known rocky exoplanets," said astrophysicist and study co-author Brice-Olivier Demory, of the University of Bern’s Center for Space and Habitability in Switzerland. (Exoplanet is the term for planets beyond our solar system.) "There are likely better places for a vacation spot in our galaxy."

The planet is likely tidally locked, meaning it continuously presents the same side to its star, akin to how the moon behaves towards Earth. Situated in our Milky Way galaxy approximately 41 light-years from Earth, within the Cancer constellation, it spans a distance of 5.9 trillion miles, equivalent to a light year. Its host star is accompanied by four gas giants in orbit.

This star is gravitationally linked to another in a binary system, the latter being a red dwarf, the smallest type of typical star. The separation between these stellar companions is 1,000 times greater than that between Earth and the sun, requiring six days for light to traverse the gap.

Despite extensive searches, the rocky exoplanet showcasing evidence of an atmosphere isn’t the ideal candidate. Proximity to its star suggests atmospheric stripping by stellar radiation and winds. However, gases from the vast lava ocean believed to envelop the planet may continuously replenish the atmosphere, as suggested by Hu.

"The planet isn’t conducive to habitability," Hu emphasized, due to its scorching temperatures unsuitable for liquid water, a prerequisite for life.

Previous discoveries of exoplanetary atmospheres predominantly featured gas giants, not rocky ones. Thus, the identification of a rocky exoplanet with an atmosphere signifies progress as Webb expands the horizons of exoplanetary exploration.

On Earth, the atmosphere plays crucial roles: warming the planet, providing breathable oxygen, shielding against solar radiation, and sustaining the pressure necessary for surface water to remain in liquid form.Have you ever looked up at the night sky and wondered what other incredible sights the universe has to offer? Our solar system, the neighborhood where Earth resides, is filled with awe-inspiring wonders that are sure to leave you amazed. Let’s take a quick tour through space and discover the "The 7 Wonders of Our Solar System".

1. The Mighty Sun

Imagine a gigantic, burning ball of gas in the sky that provides us with warmth and light. That’s our Sun! It’s like the heart of our solar system, keeping everything in orbit around it. Without the Sun, life as we know it wouldn’t exist.Have you ever looked up at the night sky and wondered what other incredible sights the universe has to offer? Our solar system, the neighborhood where Earth resides, is filled with awe-inspiring wonders that are sure to leave you amazed. Let’s take a quick tour through space and discover the "The 7 Wonders of Our Solar System".

1. The Mighty Sun

Imagine a gigantic, burning ball of gas in the sky that provides us with warmth and light. That’s our Sun! It’s like the heart of our solar system, keeping everything in orbit around it. Without the Sun, life as we know it wouldn’t exist.

4. Mars’ Grand Canyon: Valles Marineris

Mars, often called the "Red Planet," has a massive canyon system called Valles Marineris. Picture the Grand Canyon on Earth, but make it much, much larger. Valles Marineris is a breathtaking example of the unique landscapes found on other planets.NASA

5. Enceladus’ Geysers

Enceladus, a moon of Saturn, hides a fantastic secret beneath its icy surface—geysers! These are like icy fountains that shoot water into space. They hint at the possibility of hidden oceans and maybe even life in our solar system beyond Earth.

7. Saturn’s Enchanting Moons

Saturn has a family of moons, each with its own unique charm. Take Titan, for example—it has lakes of liquid methane and ethane on its surface. And then there’s Enceladus, which we mentioned earlier, with its geysers and hidden ocean. Saturn’s moons reveal the incredible variety of conditions in our solar system.

Do You Know What a Lenticular Galaxy Is?

NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope recently captured a stunning image of the lenticular galaxy NGC 3489. Lenticular galaxies, which occupy a unique middle ground between spiral and elliptical galaxies, possess a central bulge of densely packed stars and a flat, circular disk containing stars, gas, and dust—resembling spiral galaxies but lacking their distinctive arms. Similar to elliptical galaxies, lenticular galaxies feature older star populations and limited ongoing star formation.

What sets NGC 3489 apart is its active galactic nucleus (AGN), positioned at the galaxy’s core. This AGN shines brilliantly and emits radiation across the entire electromagnetic spectrum as it engulfs nearby matter. NGC 3489 is classified as a Seyfert galaxy, a type of AGN that is relatively dim compared to others, allowing the surrounding galaxy to remain visible. In contrast, some AGNs emit such intense radiation that it obscures the host galaxy.

Located approximately 30 million light-years away in the Leo constellation, NGC 3489 provides a fascinating glimpse into the intricate and dynamic nature of galaxies in our universe.Get ready to witness a celestial phenomenon like no other! In the year 2023, we will be graced with the presence of the only Blue Moon of the year. This rare event occurs when there are two full moons in a single calendar month. And let me tell you, it’s a sight to behold.

The term "Blue Moon" may be a bit misleading, as the moon won’t actually appear blue in color. Instead, it refers to the occurrence of an additional full moon within a given period of time. It’s a phenomenon that has captivated skywatchers and astronomers alike for centuries.

So, mark your calendars and prepare yourself for an enchanting evening under the starry sky. The Blue Moon of 2023 is set to illuminate the night on Wednesday night, August 30, 2023, appearing opposite the Sun (in Earth-based longitude) at 9:36 p.m. EDT. Whether you’re a seasoned astronomer or simply someone who appreciates the beauty of the cosmos, this event is not to be missed. So gather your loved ones, find a cozy spot, and marvel at the wonder of the universe above.

Celestial events like the Blue Moon remind us of just how vast and awe-inspiring our universe truly is. It’s a chance to connect with nature and to marvel at the wonders of the night sky. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to witness the only Blue Moon of 2023.

Tags: science, aliens, UFOs, NASA, space, space science, science, Earth, Earth science, science, breaking news, science, science, aliens, UFOs, NASA, space, space science, science, Earth, Earth science, science, breaking news, science, science, aliens, UFOs, NASA, space, space science, science, Earth, Earth science, science, breaking news, science, science, aliens, UFOs, NASA, space, space science, science, Earth, Earth science, science, breaking news, science, science, aliens, UFOs, NASA, space, space science, science, Earth, Earth science, science, breaking news, science, science, aliens, UFOs, NASA, space, space science, science, Earth, Earth science, science, breaking news, science, science, aliens, UFOs, NASA, space, space science, science, Earth, Earth science, science, breaking news, science, science, aliens, UFOs, NASA, space, space science, science, Earth, Earth science, science, breaking news, science, science, aliens, UFOs, NASA, space, space science, science, Earth, Earth 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