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Peripheral neuropathy - Treatment

Treatment for peripheral neuropathymay includetreating any underlying cause or symptoms.Treatment may be more successfulfor certain underlying causes.For example,ensuringdiabetesis well controlled may help improve neuropathy, or at least stop it getting worse. Treating the underlying causeThere are many different causes of peripheral neuropathy, some of which can be treated in different ways.For example:diabetes can sometimes be controlled by lifestyle changes, such as stopping smoking, cutting downon alcohol, maintaining a healthy weight and exercising regularlyvitamin B12 deficiency can be treated with B12 injections or tabletsperipheral neuropathy caused by a medicine you're taking may improve if the medicine is stoppedSome less common types of peripheral neuropathy may be treated with medicines, such as:steroids– powerful anti-inflammatory medicinesimmunosuppressants– medicines that reduce the activity of the immune systeminjections of immunoglobulin– a mixture of blood proteins ca...

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