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Overview and Access Issues | DO-IT

An earlier version of the following article was published in Journal of Information Technology and Disabilities in December of 1994. It can be found at The content below has been updated and reprinted with permission. References cited can be found in the Resources section of this binder.Increasing the Representation of People with Disabilities in Science, Engineering, and Mathematicsby Sheryl Burgstahler, Ph.D.University of WashingtonAbstractIndividuals with disabilities experience far less career success than their nondisabled peers. Three main factors cause individuals with disabilities to be underrepresented in STEM fields: preparation of students with disabilities; access to facilities, programs, and equipment; and acceptance by educators, employers, and coworkers. Technology can have a positive effect on all of these factors and help to open doors to new areas of study and employment. This article explores the role of information technology, describes...

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