News in English

Update:Shooting Stars - Upcoming Changes

This official news post is copied verbatim from the Old School RuneScape website. It is copyrighted by Jagex.It was added on 20 October 2023.Contents1 Blog Update - Friday, October 20th1.1 Dusuri's Star Shop1.2 Star Landing Mechanics Clarification1.3 Clue Geodes1.4 "Fix other Mining methods!"1.5 Crystal Shards2 Overview - Thursday, October 19th2.1 What are Shooting Stars?2.2 Why did we change Shooting Stars in September?2.3 Why do we feel like we need to change Shooting Stars further?3 Aims4 Changes To Be Made4.1 Star Degradation4.2 Star Landing4.3 Star Mining XP and Rewards4.4 Miscellaneous Changes5 Wrapping upTo say Shooting Stars have been a hot topic as of late would be the understatement of the century. In this blog, we'll be detailing a series of tweaks we'd like to make to these astrological attractions to help safeguard various aspects of Old School's health both in the short- and long-term.Blog Update - Friday, October 20thWe will no longer be adjusting the prices for Dusuri's...

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