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Harris Goes To A Spice Shop, Fox News Gets Salty

While campaigning in Pittsburgh, Kamala Harris did a little shopping at a Penzey's spice shop. For those who might be unfamiliar with Penzey's, they are a spice company based in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The owner and CEO, Bill Penzey, has been a long time progressive who has adamantly opposed Felon Trump and his horde of MAGA trolls.

So, naturally, when Harris stopped at one of the Penzey stores, Fox just had to dedicate a whole segment to it, and getting really salty about it. This exchange between Mollie Hemingway of the Federalist and a Fox host had me roaring with laughter:

HEMINGWAY: It was so interesting with Kamala Harris. She puts off a pretty good first impression, I think for a politician, but her problem is that the more you see her and the more you see her in action, it seems to fade for a lot of viewers. And so, that Penzey's spice store visit is a great example. It was kind of a cringe-inducing thing. She also couldn't get her messaging right. She goes to a store known for bigotry and then says we want to move past divisiveness. And it just shows that she's not really maybe ready for this level of the playing field.

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