News in English

The Missoulian from Missoula, Montana

ssou! aa Saturday. Septemoef 27. 1985-27 920 legging equip. 921 Vehicle pirttwlvtoe 938 Antiques, elastics 938 Antiques, classics 940 Buses, wans 944 Pickups, trucks 944 Pickups, trucks 944 Pickups, trucks 820 Legging tquip. AHTlCr wort or an UMr up io looo Cm rroiao TWO Khmxi tnxxe on fen mxat: 1 mf true- spray tut comeniali ngoeo nw pump.1 tocjpng tracer 17 FORO ion new heavy-duty snoots Ircxudes man wood racx i650 Pnone 549-8551 aer6pm 7 FORO Ion 4-spd $2150 543-4579 cars or 549 9934 eves 1SOO FORO F250 i ton 351 auto tat cruise. 2 lams, excellent conoKcn Sacfice pie $3450 Pnone l-36265 7S FORO Courier, run good $200 23-2250 17 FORO Crew Cao Fussed 100 ganon tuat tan 4-spd. ps oner See at 17500 Low Creex Ro or can 273-6794 950 Automobiles 171 FORO 150 0 360 VS. run good good t'es. caro fct.very xne rust $:0 Pnone 1-677-2071 MUST SELL, gang to school: 1973 Ford Vi ton Tool box. mag meets new tnea. 302 4-toaad $0 or best 721-7106 950 Automobiles And National Sales Consignment If you a...

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