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Kamala Actually Slammed Trump for Honoring Gold Star Families

Proving that no good deed goes unpunished, Vice President Kamala Harris has hammered former President Donald J. Trump for laying a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier on August 26 — the third anniversary of the Abbey Gate terrorist bombing at Kabul’s Hamid Karzai International Airport.

Amid the Biden-Harris Administration’s calamitous retreat from Afghanistan, an Islamofascist suicide bomber murdered 13 U.S. GIs and wounded 18 other Americans in uniform. At least 168 Afghans were killed, and 150 more injured.

Kamala actively attacked him via social media for doing what she has been too callous to attempt.

In an even more bizarre complaint, a Trump advance man allegedly jostled an Arlington National Cemetery employee who, naturally, is anonymous and suddenly declined to file a report on the alleged incident for fear of retaliation — even though Trump is out of power (something that, to be fair, might change, and should).

Trump campaign spokesman Steven Cheung denied the dustup: “As the Army has said, they consider this matter closed. President Trump was there to support the Gold Star families and honor the sacrifices their loved ones made.”

Joe Biden standing at an Arlington Cemetery on May 31, 2010, included in a 2020 Biden for President campaign ad.

Chueng added that a 2020 Biden for President ad showed him at an Arlington grave on May 31, 2010.

Barely acknowledged in this controversy is the fact that Trump did not barge in on a private memorial ceremony. The Gold Star families invited him to attend. So, he did. (READ MORE from Deroy Murdoch: Trump and the Kennedys for Tax Cuts, Kamala Not)

Christy Shamblin, the mother-in-law of Sergeant Nicole Leeann Gee, said: “This year, for the third-year anniversary of her murder, we welcomed President Donald J. Trump to Arlington to lay a wreath on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier with our family and to visit Nicole’s graveside. President Trump and his team were respectful. They listened to our stories and didn’t talk much at all. We welcomed them that day, and they were a comfort to our family.”

President Trump was invited by those families who have their soldiers buried at Arlington,” said Jaclyn Schmitz, Gold Star Mother of Lance Corporal Jared Schmitz.

“He was invited there as a friend, as somebody who has taken the time, numerous times on numerous occasions, to hear our stories, to speak our kids’ names.”

“President Trump has been there for us,” said Jim McCollum, Gold Star Father of Lance Corporal Rylee McCollum. “He’s been a rock for us. He showed compassion for us, and he showed he truly cares for the families that truly do know what the ultimate sacrifice really is.”

As for the video camera, recording the event was not Trump’s idea. The Gold Star families wanted the occasion captured for posterity.

“We are the ones that asked for the video and the pictures to be taken,” said Darin Hoover, Gold Star Father of Staff Sergeant Taylor Hoover. “Again, we asked the Trump team to take the videos, take the pictures of our time there,” he added. “Let it be clear: There was no politics discussed, none whatsoever. There was also not an assault that we observed take place or did we hear it. I do not know where this is coming from, but it is disgusting and gross.”

So, Trump agreed to the families’ request and brought a videographer. Regular news cameras also were at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier after Trump’s participation went public. He could not stop those cameras from being there, nor should he have. The Biden-Harris regime perpetrates enough censorship without Trump’s help.

Rather than dash in and out for a photo op, like a true political opportunist, Trump stayed and grieved with the families of these murdered American service personnel.

Rather than applaud Trump, or at least have the good taste to keep quiet about his honoring America’s fallen, Kamala and her domestic help in the media slammed Trump for being there. Meanwhile, Kamala issued a box-checking press release and evidently hung out at the US Naval Observatory, her official residence, just 15 minutes away via motorcade.

For his part, President Joe Biden kept working on his tan at Rehoboth Beach. Neither could face the families of those who were butchered by a terrorist who most assuredly would have been too far away to harm anyone, had America left Afghanistan via the once-secure Bagram Air Base rather than the chaotic airport in downtown Kabul.

Meanwhile, if Trump had decided to stay out of the equation and declined the Gold Star families’ request to join them at Arlington, the exact same Leftists who are roaring against Trump today would attack him for not being there.

One can imagine the headlines, all too easily:

It’s All About Him: Trump Disses Grieving Gold Star Families Who Mourn Abbey Gate’s Victims

Trump to Gold Star Families: Lay Your Own Goddamn Wreath

Trump Tells Survivors of Abbey Gate Blast: Take this Wreath and Shove It

There literally is nothing that Donald J. Trump can do to satisfy his malignant critics.


For her part, all Kamala had to do was keep her big mouth shut. Instead, she attacked Trump for comforting the survivors of 13 GIs who were slaughtered, thanks to the Biden-Harris policy of strategic bedlam. She brags about being “the last person in the room” who could have talked Biden out of his deadly withdrawal plan but did not.

“It is a solemn place,” Kamala said of Arlington National Cemetery, via X. She added on August 31: “Let me be clear: the former president disrespected sacred ground, all for the sake of a political stunt.”

Kamala’s comments enflamed the Gold Star kin. Over Labor Day weekend, they released eight videos that tore into the Democrat standard bearer. The Gateway Pundit highlighted these statements, some of which are quoted above, and below. They are powerful, heartfelt, and genuine. The DIY look of these videos makes them even more devastating.

  • “This message is intended for Vice-President Kamala Harris,” Herman Lopez, Gold Star father of Corporal Hunter Lopez, said on August 31. “It’s been three years since my son was killed in action and myself, my family and other Gold Star families have not seen any support from you or your administration,” he continued. “These promises from Kamala Harris, especially in regard to supporting the military and our military families, are false and baseless. They have not been proven, and she has not earned our respect.”
  • Steve Nikoui, Gold Star father of Lance Corporal Kareem M. Nikoui, told Harris: “At no time have you reached out to me to offer your condolences, to offer thank you for Kareem’s sacrifice and service. Not once have you honored him by saying his name, so I said it for you. You have disparaged all 13 who have lost their lives as well as their families, exhibiting your lack of gratitude by your silence.”
  • Mark Schmitz, father of Marine Lance Corporal Jared M. Schmitz, seemed the most chilled by Kamala’s icy heart.

“Here we are on a beautiful holiday weekend day. I got to stop what I’m doing, spending time with what’s left of my family to address a heinous, vile, and disgusting post put out by Kamala Harris,” Schmitz said. “You have 13 families who have been waiting over three years to so much as get a phone call, to so much as hear our kids’ names said aloud in the halls of Congress, at a state of the Union. Hell, anything,” he added.

“You’re despicable,” Schmitz berated Kamala, looking directly into the camera. “You have zero business running this country. And I pray to God, Americans, wake the hell up and get your ass out of office. You have spit in our face for the last fucking time.”

Kamala’s defenders might respond that she is a busy woman with places to go and things to do.

Nevertheless, she didn’t bother to attend the dignified-transfer ceremony in Dover, Delaware, where the Abbey Gate 13 came home in steel containers. Biden frosted the bereaved at that gathering by repeatedly checking his watch. But at least he was there. Kamala was a no-show. (READ MORE: Donald J. Trump: Kommandant-in-Chief?)

Even more disrespectfully, for three full years, Kamala never picked up a telephone while jetting about on Air Force Two to ring these people and simply say: “I feel your pain. I am sorry for your loss. How are you and your loved ones feeling these days? America thanks you for your relative’s service and mourns with you. I need to go now. Goodbye.”

Starting in September 2021, Kamala could have made one such call per month and completed this entire task in September 2022. Would that have killed her? If this were emotionally draining, she would have had 30 full days between calls to rest, recover, and compose herself.

But even that was beneath her.

Regardless, Kamala mustered the energy to lash out at Trump for showing care and concern for these sorrowful American families. Rather than plagiarize Trump’s example (as she did when she ripped off his No Tax on Tips proposal), praise his initiative, or simply grind her molars in silence, Kamala actively attacked him via social media for doing what she has been too callous to attempt.

Kamala’s cruelty is contagious. Her running mate, Governor Tim Walz (D – Minnesota), answered softball media questions at the State Fair in St. Cloud on September 1. And then someone dared to ask about the Israel Defense Forces’ discovery of five Israelis and Hersh Goldberg-Polin, 23, an Israeli-American dual citizen. Hamas executed them all, as IDF rescuers closed in.

“What’s your reaction to the six hostages being found dead in Gaza?” a journalist wondered.

Alright, thanks, everybody,” the Democrat vice-presidential nominee dodged. He spun around and strolled away while holding a vanilla milkshake.

If this episode foreshadows coming events, a Harris-Walz Administration would be a deep, shameful nadir from which America would be lucky ever to escape.

Deroy Murdock is a Manhattan-based Fox News contributor.

The post Kamala Actually Slammed Trump for Honoring Gold Star Families appeared first on The American Spectator | USA News and Politics.

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