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Wild elf

See also: Sylvan elfand Green elf (disambiguation)Wild elves or green elves, also known as sy-tel-quessir or grugach,[5] were a feral, stealthy subrace of elves that became more and more reclusive over the years. As of the 1370s DR, they were an extremely insular race who remained close to nature and were rarely seen by other races.[2] They had a heavier build and darker skin than other elf subraces despite having a similar average height.[6]Contents1 Description2 Personality3 Culture3.1 Art and Leisure3.2 Magic and Religion3.3 Relations4 History5 Homelands6 Appendix6.1 Behind the Scenes6.2 Gallery6.3 Appearances6.4 Further Reading6.5 References6.6 ConnectionsDescription[]Wild elves had darker skin than other elven subraces, in a range of light brown to dark brown. Males were usually larger than females, sometimes by as much as 5 inches or 20 pounds, but wild elves differed little in size from other elves. An average male was 5feet8inches (173centimeters) in height and weighed 150pound...

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