News in English

The Marshall News Messenger from Marshall, Texas

NATIONNEWS News Messenger MONDAY. AUGUST 22. 1994 People ecDef reviews r-- Cuban refugee situation today Southern Florida: Peny will confer with military official's and fly over region for close-up view of operations. I 5 -A 7 i 4 CHAVI3 RECEIVES APPLAUSE Former NAACP executive director Benjamin right, raises his fist in the "black power" salute as Nation of Islam minister Louis Farrakhan applauds during the opening session Sunday of the African-American Leadership Summit In Baltimore. Chavis was fired from his post Saturday.PhotoAP) within the Castro regime," he said. Another official, who spoke on condition of not being identified by name; the Navy has con tingency plans to put as many as 10 Navy ships to work picking up Cubans adrift at sea. Up to now, mainly Coast Guard vessels have been used. Panetta said the pressure on Castro now is coming in the form of economic sanctions announced Saturday by President Clinton, including a ban on cash payments sent by Cuban-Americans to their...

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