News in English

Outrage after senior police officers reported for bullying and sexism

Police groups on Tuesday condemned allegations of sexist behaviour within the force towards female contract workers.

The matter had been discussed during Monday’s House human rights committee, which was carried out behind closed doors due to the sensitivity of the issue.

Cyprus police association (Sak) said the session took place because female contract workers reported seniors for sexist behaviour.

Sak called on “those in authority to take drastic measures and actions immediately to reverse and completely eliminate any phenomena of oppressive and harassing behaviour in the workplace.”

It called for tough punishment of perpetrators while it specified it would be closely monitoring the case.

Head of Isotita union’s police branch Nicos Loizides charged that as things currently stand, should someone seek to report a senior for bullying, they have to go through a dozen departments, meaning scores of people will hear who the victim and the perpetrator are.

“It is a disgrace to not have a clear channel of communication to report such a complaint,” Loizides said on Alphanews.

He suggested there should be an option to file a complaint in writing thus indicating the date, time and recipient.

Loizides added that although the matter was raised in parliament, he was later told anyone could just “pick up the phone and complain.”

“Call who? We’re in the police and we’ll be making calls for bullying or harassment?”

He called it disgraceful and said it is now 2024 and setting up an email should be simple enough.

Loizides clarified he was speaking about an initial complaint that is probed internally, before any criminal investigation is launched.

Earlier this year, MPs sounded the alarm over what they described as a boy’s club in the police force that helps abusive officers escape unscathed after they themselves are reported for crimes they are supposed to prevent.

Ranging from rape and sexual harassment, sources close to the justice ministry confirmed that coverups within the force happen and are an issue of concern for the government.

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