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BETRAYAL: Long Lines of Haitians Gather to Gorge on Taxpayer-Funded Benefits in Springfield, Ohio While American Veteran Gets DENIED Medicaid (VIDEO)

Haitians line up to gorge on taxpayer-funded benefits in Springfield, Ohio while Americans get left out in the cold. (Credit: Tyler Oliveira)

Just when you thought the news out of Springfield, Ohio could not get more infuriating, reports have emerged that American veterans who have put their lives on the line are getting denied benefits. At the same time, Haitians sponge off the taxpayers for absolutely nothing.

As The Gateway Pundit reported, livid citizens confronted local officials during a recent City Commission meeting in Springfield, Ohio. They accused them of ignoring revolting crimes being committed by Haitian migrants against innocent animals in their town.

One resident recalled witnessing Haitians “grabbing up ducks by their necks, decapitating them, and walking off with them to eat.” Others revealed how the massive influx of immigrants, thanks to border czar Kamala Harris, has drained Springfield’s resources and turned a once-safe city into a crime-ridden hell.

One Springfield resident even claimed she spotted a cat hanging from a branch and being carved up for food by Haitian immigrants.

Now we learn the government is putting these migrants ahead of ordinary American citizens, including those who served in uniform. Independent journalist Tyler Oliveira traveled to Springfield this week and visited a government benefits office where long lines of Haitians were coming up to cash in.

There, he spoke with a security guard who revealed that not only were many of the migrants unable to speak English but that the split between Haitians and Springfield’s residents arriving at the facility was 9:1. He also interviewed a veteran who has been denied Medicaid benefits as they cater to the invaders.

As one will see in the video below, the veteran’s experience is absolutely heartbreaking.


VETERAN: I’ve been trying to get a simple Medicaid card since June. I’m a vet; they’ve taken me off disability and made me start paying for my own disability . .. They’re so backed up in there that they’ve asked me for the same information three times, and they’re still sending me the same letters.

It’s frustrating.

(Video cuts to Oliveira interviewing a guard)

OLIVEIRA: What’s the wait time?

GUARD: From the back of the line? Probably close to two hours.

OLIVEIRA: Is there a separation between French speakers and English speakers?

GUARD: It’s all one line. We have an interpreter that hops between both.

OLIVEIRA: What do you think the split is between new Haitian between Haitians and locals coming in here?

GUARD: 9:1, easy.

(The video cuts back to Oliveira interviewing the vet)

OLIVEIRA: You’re a veteran, and you’re competing with some of the resources they’re getting.


OLIVEIRA: Does that make you feel some type of way?

VETERAN: We once had the slogan, the melting pot. This is a place where everybody is supposed to be able to make it, man.

The hoops they make us jump through…I don’t have anything bad to say about anything or anybody.

OLIVEIRA: Do you think the town is taking care of its local residents, first and foremost?

VETERAN: Hell no.

OLIVEIRA: Do you think it will change anytime soon?


The post BETRAYAL: Long Lines of Haitians Gather to Gorge on Taxpayer-Funded Benefits in Springfield, Ohio While American Veteran Gets DENIED Medicaid (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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