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Self-Proclaimed MAGA Prophet Prays 'God Will Bind Up' Harris' Mouth

Self-proclaimed MAGA Pastor, homophobic Hank Kunneman, spewed vitriol at the Vice President while describing the Democratic party as evil, praying for GOD to "bind up the mouth of the liar" and asked for supernatural protection for Trump during tonight's debate.

Not for nothing, but being this hateful is not what Jesus had in mind.

KUNNEMAN: The Democratic Party of today is a very evil party.

It's aligning itself with many things that are grievous to God and also violates many things in scripture of morality and other such things.

Father, we are asking tomorrow night for truth, the spirit of truth, to rest upon that debate.

We bind up the mouth of the liar and we ask that the spirit of truth would absolutely expose lies and cause our country to begin to see that this is good versus evil, that this is moral versus immorality, that this is the colliding of two kingdoms, the kingdom of God and that which is of the enemy.

And so we pray a supernatural protection over President Trump, even over those that attended the debate.

We're asking for a supernatural restraint over the hand of the enemy who seeks to steal, kill, and destroy.

We command the mouth of the liar to be silent as you arise at this time and bring restoration unto this country, for there is an intensity that shall arise in this time because there are those that are pressing against your very hand and God, you are bringing righteousness and justice.

We contend for that.

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