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6 Secrets of an Unflappable Working Mom

Erin Condren was a new mother of twins when she decided to ditch her career in apparel manufacturing. She had spent years in the industry, working 12-hour days in a sewing factory, before launching a line with her brother:aventure that went south with the rest of theeconomy in theaftermath of9/11.I can't do this anymore, she thought. I don't want to travel. I don't want to know what's hot and cool for 10 apparel markets each year.She while shewanted to shift, the couple realized that living on her husband's take-home pay alone in expensive southern California wasn't a sustainable option for the young family of four. Their tight budget left little room for things like birthday and holiday cards, so Condren began printing them at home. It wasn't long before friends noticed her eye for design and wanted their own cards."If [a friend]ordered 400 holiday cards, I'd give them 450, because I knew this person was going to put a stamp on them and mail them out. The customer is thrilled, and I'm...

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