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'He lies about 9/11': Reporter unloads on Trump and calls MAGA supporters 'despicable'

Legal reporter Elie Mystal shredded former President Donald Trump and his MAGA supporters on MSNBC on Wednesday citing years of disrespectful and boastful behavior surrounding the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.

Aside from his false claims about his own proximity to the attacks, and seeing thousands of Muslims celebrating the towers falling in New Jersey, Trump doubled down this week by attending a memorial with Laura Loomer, a far-right 9/11 truther whom even Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) has denounced as "extremely racist."

"He did this today and because Donald Trump does so many despicable things that is barely registering, but I think there is something about him that has this instinct or this compulsion to desecrate," said New York Times columnist Michelle Goldberg on the MSNBC panel, regarding Loomer's presence.

"Absolutely, and desecrate everything and also to do things, Elie, that one would think are career-ending," said anchor Joy Reid. "The way he desecrated Arlington National Cemetery would be career-ending for a normal politician ... everything he does is despicable."

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"The reason it does not end his career is his supporters are despicable," said Mystal. "Trump is a narcissist, so his whole thing is a complete lack of compassion and empathy. That is why he lies about 9/11. He is probably the least compassionate president we've had in 200 years since Andrew Jackson, and it works for him because his supporters are just as ungenerous and have just as little compassion and empathy for others."

And the reason that works for Trump, said Mystal, is that "when he is seen, essentially, as you guys have put it, desecrating our national symbols, when he is seen putting himself above all else, his supporters also want that to be the case. They want to do that in their own lives. That is how they think of themselves and why it is that it never hurts Trump when he takes these crass and classless actions. It's because his supporters think that being crass and classless is actually kind of cool."

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