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Jimmy Kimmel Mocks Pro-Life Americans and Claims They’re Stupid

Do you know how many eggs a woman has? If not, ABC’s Jimmy “non-sequitur” Kimmel believes you are not allowed to be pro-life because on Wednesday’s show, Kimmel and his liberal audience guffawed at self-described pro-lifers not being able to answer questions about female anatomy that they certainly would not be able to answer themselves.

Kimmel teed up a man-on-the-street segment by hyping Tuesday night’s debate, “Kamala Harris forcefully defended a woman’s right to choose last night, it was very effective, and it got me wondering about how much some of these people who seem to know what’s best for women’s bodies, how much they actually know about the female anatomy. So, we sent a team deep into the heart of Texas to find out.”

The segment featured 14 individuals, 12 men and two women, and the interviewer began by asking one man, “It’s come to my attention a lot of Democrats think that pro-life people don’t know anything about the female reproductive system, and I just, kind of, want to prove them wrong. How many eggs does a woman have?”

The man replied, “I have no idea,” which was probably the same answer 99 percent of Kimmel’s audience would have given. Kimmel has done man-on-the-street interviews before about female anatomy to mock pro-lifers before, but this time the people interviewed were explicitly labeled pro-life.

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The problem with such segments is that viewers have no idea what is real or scripted for the sake of a laugh, nor do they see what was left on the cutting room floor because an interviewee gave the correct answer. Additionally, how many eggs a woman also has nothing to do with the ethical question of when life begins. If Jimmy Kimmel Live! ever asks you how many eggs a woman has, you can throw the question back at them by answering it depends on the woman’s age.

One clip of correct answers that did make it was when the interviewer put up a diagram of the female reproductive system and asked, “Just identify as many organs as you can, okay? Go.” One man rattled off, “The anus. The vagina. The clitoris,” but he was still laughed at because of the way he pronounced “clitoris” as “cligh-tore-us” so pro-lifers still can’t win even when they debunk the segment’s explicit point.

After doing another game of “Woman or IKEA,” the segment concluded with another man being asked, “Have you played pin the tail on the donkey before? Of course you have. This is pin the reproductive system on the woman. Okay, so super easy. You just have to pin the reproductive system on the woman, okay.”

The man proceeded to place the reproductive system on the picture upside down, which, assuming there was no made-for-TV-behind the scenes hijinks, says more about that one man than pro-lifers as a whole, but admitting that would undermine Kimmel’s whole point.

LifeNews Note: Alex Christy writes for Newsbusters, where this originally appeared.

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