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Debate moderator confirms her preparations to interrupt, correct Trump

Linsey Davis of ABC News

Linsay Davis, one of ABC’s moderators for this week’s presidential debate, bragged in a puff piece by the Los Angeles Times about her as a “rising new star,” how she prepared to interrupt and correct President Donald Trump during the matchup with Kamala Harris.

But, stunningly, the profile failed to even note that Davis got her “facts” – which she used specifically to interrupt and correct Trump – wrong.

The network, Davis and David Muir, the other moderator, have come under harsh criticism for the one-sided, biased event they staged. They repeatedly “corrected” Trump while ignoring blatant lies used by Harris.

Part of the bias may have been that Davis is a sorority sister to Harris, and that Dana Walden, an ABC News executive, is a longtime and close friend of Harris.

But in the profile, Davis claims her preparations were because of comments during the first presidential debate, between Trump and Joe Biden, before Democrat elites tossed Biden under the bus and hand-picked Harris, who never got any primary votes, to replace him on the ticket.

She claimed, “People were concerned that statements were allowed to just hang and not [be] disputed by the candidate Biden, at the time, or the moderators.”

So she said she and Muir divided up topics, and studied them, and, “Davis fully anticipated that Trump’s erroneous abortion claim would come up when she questioned him on the issue.”

She said, “That was an obvious thing to get on the record.”

The puff piece continued, “Davis acknowledged that she and Muir could not nail every misstatement. But they did study each candidate’s body of work ahead of time and had an idea of what to expect.”

Her blunder happened when she was questioning about abortion, and Trump noted the extremist position of the Democrats, including Harris, in advocating for destroying unborn babies through the ninth month of pregnancy, or beyond.

“There is no state in this country where it is legal to kill a baby after it’s born,” Davis claimed.

The puff piece charged, “Her correction was a response to Trump’s claim that the Democratic Party’s support of abortion rights includes ‘executing’ an infant after it’s born, something he has repeatedly said on the campaign trail. In an era in which misinformation spreads fast and furious, Davis’ real-time fact check cut through the proceedings like a sharp blade.”

However, Davis’ charge was far from accurate.

Harris own runningmate, Tim Walz, as governor of Minnesota, has imposed a strategy that allows doctors to ignore any medical needs of babies who survive abortion. Then they die. And then Walz made sure such statistics never are collected, so that death toll actually is unknown.

And another prominent Democrat, former Gov. Ralph Northam, openly confirmed on a radio interview that in some cases, a baby is born, and is set aside and comforted. Then there’s a discussion involving the mother and doctor about what to do with the child.

A report at the Gateway Pundit elaborated:

“ABC News anchor Linsey Davis revealed in a post-debate Los Angeles Times puff-piece profile how she, ABC World News Tonight anchor David Muir and ABC producers schemed to ambush President Trump with ‘fact checks’ at Tuesday night’s presidential debate in Philadelphia with Kamala Harris after watching Trump crush and knock Joe Biden out of the race in their June debate.”

But, the report noted, “The fact checking at the debate was one-sided, with Trump being interrupted by Muir and Davis several times with ‘fact checks’ while Harris was not ‘fact checked’ once.”

She wasn’t even corrected when she trotted out the long-proven-as-a-lie claim about Trump’s reference to KKK-type activists as “fine people,” a wild claim that even leftists in the so-called “fact check” industry have admitted is a blatant lie.

And, the report confirmed, “Davis went viral for a ‘fact check’ of Trump on abortion, where she falsely claimed it is illegal to kill babies after they are born and then abruptly turned to Harris for a reply without giving Trump the courtesy of a chance to respond.”

The debate was so one-sided, one columnist has urged ABC to report the estimated $40 million value of the 90 minutes of airtime as an in-kind contribution to the Harris campaign.

Trump’s comment? “The public was not fooled. They saw right through it, Kamala’s lies and unprecedented partisan interference of two low-life anchors. They’re low lives.”

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