News in English

Black Republican Event Draws Tiny Crowd, Angers Residents In Baltimore

The residents of Baltimore were none too thrilled with the Black Conservative Federation's bus tour invading their town. There weren't many people there, but it was hard to miss the big obnoxious bus they arrived in:

A navy-colored bus emblazoned with the phrases “I’m not with her” and “Black voters for Trump” received a cheer from the crowd of fewer than a dozen Black Republicans, many of them members of the local Republican Central Committee.

Passer-bys offered up jeers as the bus pulled into a corner lot near a Chipotle and a closed-for construction McDonald’s at the Havenwood Commons next to Morgan State University.

Baltimore marked the final stop of the Black Conservative Federation’s weeklong bus tour aimed at mobilizing Black Republican voters.

“No one knows how bad the Democratic Party has been then the people in Baltimore, then the people in Chicago, then the people in these liberally-run areas,” said Diante Johnson, BCF president.

And many of the locals were not happy:

A Donald Trump campaign bus rolled into Maryland Thursday in a visit organized by the Black Conservative Federation.

The bus visited Northwood Plaza. The group said it's committed to getting former President Trump back in the White House. [...]

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