News in English

How appalling that Mohamed Fayed never lived to face justice – but others can be held to account

Harrods beast

HOW appalling that Mohamed Fayed never lived to face justice.

That only now, a year after his death, the 20-plus apparent victims of his sickening rapes and sexual assaults feel able to come forward.

How appalling that Mohamed Fayed never lived to face justice – but others can be held to account[/caption]

We do not of course blame them.

Their many traumatic accounts reveal Fayed as a monstrous, bullying predator who ran Harrods through fear and viewed all women on the staff as his exclusive sexual playthings.

He used his lawyers and security team to silence anyone threatening to go public. He bugged rooms and phones.

One woman says she was just 15 when Fayed, aged 79, raped her. She did go to the police, but no action ensued. Why?

Who were the lawyers and security officers who covered up for their ­perverted ogre of a boss?

And why, given the suspicions over Fayed going back decades, did Netflix whitewash his character in The Crown?

Fayed is dead. But others can still be held to account.

Sweet and sour

IMAGINE the mental gymnastics required to think that heavily taxing every sugary treat shoppers buy will somehow propel millions of workless people back into jobs.

The argument goes something like this:

Higher taxes would slash sales of “unhealthy” foods, magically cutting obesity. The obese lose weight, their health improves . . . hey presto, they sprint back to work. Well, it’s a theory.

Except sugar taxes won’t cut people’s weight to any significant degree. If George Osborne’s 2018 fizzy drinks levy had genuinely worked we wouldn’t still be hearing about soaring obesity.

And the grim truth is too many people simply like idling on benefits.

Cutting those handouts would be infinitely more effective in incentivising them to get a job, as the Tories proved years ago.

But Labour only needs the thinnest excuse to bring in nanny-state taxes — and this mad suggestion from their ­welfare reform adviser has provided it.

You may be slim, healthy and employed, but stand by to pay more for every sugary treat . . . “to ease worklessness”.

Site of shame

THE Four Houses Corner travellers’ site was, according to police, a long-standing hotbed of violent criminality and hostility.

That was before three smirking, feral teenage thugs fled there to hide and destroy evidence after dragging poor PC Andrew Harper a mile to his death in 2019.

Since when it’s been derelict. But yesterday the Lib Dem council began refurbishing it at staggering expense so it can house twice as many people.

What an insult to Andrew’s memory.

And a kick in the teeth for taxpayers footing the £3.5million bill.

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