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Exclusive: Video shows shooting outside Ville Platte Housing Authority

VILLE PLATTE, La. (KLFY) -- The Ville Platte Housing Authority said the use of guns is a growing issue at the complex.

The housing authority shared a video with News 10 that depicts a shooting that occurred around 1 p.m. at the complex last Saturday.

Arthur Sampson, a housing authority board member, said he found the video disturbing.

"Seeing that video disturbed me that this type of behavior is happening in our city and just wondering why these young men are not arrested yet," Sampson said.

In the video, eight people are seen standing near parked vehicles outside the Ville Platte Housing Authority. The people then duck and scatter. Two people then fired weapons toward a basketball court and field located across the street from the complex.

"Seeing that video disturbed me that this type of behavior is happening in our city and just wondering why these young men are not arrested yet," Sampson said.

Sampson said the board has put up signs that show there is a zero-tolerance policy regarding weapons, drugs, and loitering.

"That's why we put signs up because a few months ago there was some young men that had pulled out some guns. There was also a murder right there by the housing authority and we just trying our best to stop the violence," Sampson said.

In addition to the signs, Sampson said cameras have also been set up around the complex to help law enforcement. He urges residents to call if they notice any suspicious activity.

"If you know anything…contact the law enforcement because that's the only way we gonna stop this nonsense," Sampson said.

Sgt. Darrian Guillory with the Ville Platte Police Department said the video of the shooting is currently under investigation.

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